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Monday, October 16, 2017

The Gardener

The Gardener

He begins a never ending
Flood of graces,
While we’re tending
All the seeds that He has sown,
And the crops that He has grown,
In us, in our hearts and spirit.
So when He calls
His voice we hear it.
I am knocking at your door
With all your sick and oceans more.
Open your eyes behold the store.
Open your selves that I may pour
All the fruits that you have tended
Into hearts which we have mended.
Healing with our daily balm,
Sustained when you have given alms
Of time and treasures, talent too,
When I have called, and beckoned you.
Freely I give – freely receive.
All because- you have believed,
Here’s my treasure rich and rare.

Distribute it with loving care.

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