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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Childhood Revisited

Childhood Revisited

Bobbe, of the gentle mien
And ever giving spirit.
If we called her “angel bright”
Me thinks she would not wear it.

She had a constancy I craved
Challenges did not daunt her
But as a slightly rounded teen
She wondered who might want her.

She loved her friends
And served them well
(She trusted most her God)
Her anguishes she hid from us
Her God was who she’d tell

I wish I’d stayed
Close by her side
To drink the balm
Which she’d provide

To be there when her
Mother died
To cheer her on
And hold her hand
And whisper “Dear, I understand.”

I wish I’d been there
For her too
I wish I’d shown so she could see
Just what her love has meant to me

She’s been a mom, a wife, a sister
She’s nurtured the neighbors
And encouraged the mister
She’s served pastor and parish
With skill and affection

And to dozens of grandkids
Given food and protection

She’s cared for us all
With her hand and her heart
In our lives she’s a gift
A most vital part
For she inspires us each to be
More than we think by ourselves than we can
Sometimes we forget that she’s really just human 
A symbol of her Gods’ most refreshing creation

This humble and soulful and beautiful woman


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