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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Our Journey for Today

Our Journey for Today

Can I tell one soul a day of
Jesus love for him
Perhaps I will start by
Immersing myself
In that awesome grace
Letting go of self-doubt
Not needing to second guess myself
I know His love follows me
Wherever I go
And precedes me on the way
Where I am, He is
Pride goeth before a fall
I have heard
He goeth before us all
When He beckons
I cannot but follow
And in the hollow of my heart
Feel the fertile soil
Swelling with growth
And life
To burst faith
In His own good time
Till every pore of my Being
Aches to be release
In a chorus
Of joy
Acknowledging His love
Today’s duty done
I am one person-One
With His hand upon my brow
I can join Him at the prow
Of the ship that He has set
For me to sail
I’ll put on hand on the tiller
And the other on his will
Within my heart
As I listen for His word
Can I doubt that I have heard?
We can start

We can start to drift away
From the shores that lead today
To complacency and fear and who I’m not
On the sea of His great grace
As I gaze into His face
And see the sailing map

Of our journey for today


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