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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Good Morning Jesus

Good Morning Jesus

Good Morning Jesus
Gazing on His face
I see the whole human race
Nothing else matters

In the human race
I can see His holy face
All else falls away

You are my son, my daughter, my beloved
On you my favor rests.

My favor rests
Not bears heavily
A burden on my shoulders
Rests lightly, sprightly
Surrounded and lifts up
I, a plenteous nectar
From which others sup
Can be
A rich flowing stream
If I only say “yes”
When He comes in my dream
Telling me to confess
And Be saved
And be open to Him
To affirm that our muse
Is not merely a whim
Of my imagination
A lie or a hoax
But His favor
Resting lightly
One of His “holy jokes”
Holy Smokes, I’m a part
May even (be told or decide) to wear
A crown of holly
Entwined within my hair.
His favor rests wholly
On me
And flows on out
To embrace all
I encounter
When I’m out and about
To nurture all that’s within
And all that will be His favor rests
Wholly on me

Let it be.


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