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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Serenity at Last


Serenity at Last

Your offer of a free
Six weeks of Seattle Times
Is not
A fair exchange for
My peace of mind


Please, please I can’t
No, no I won’t
Respond to your query
Accept your theory
That we all need to read
The news

I respectfully decline
(scratched out: Yes, I’ve made up my mind)
Your generous invitation
To indulge in today’s
Amazing physical sensation

I’m really convicted
Can’t agree with your views
Of my need to daily read
Someone else’s interpretation
Of the news
I don’t choose to be part of
The news – besotted generation

How clear my mind seems
When its’ primary beams
Come simply from nature’s direction
Not filtered or tweaked
By a stoolie who leaked
The great news of the politicians
Recent or past erection 

I’m content to not know
Of the movie stars latest “ho”  (some stars in margin)
Or how much
Was embezzled last night

Oh please keep me from
What to me is “hohum”
Same crap; different day   (all alarmin’ in margin)

Your forty-two issues
Would become bathroom tissue(s)
(And) Frankly, I prefer Charmin.

Pamela Reed: This name is at the bottom and I'm not sure what it refers to.

Kack Nugent    December 4, 2000

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