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Monday, October 16, 2017



Sunshine and cloud cover,
I need them both
To appreciate
First one and then,
The other.
Peace and disharmony
Inside myself,
Neither to be fought,
Nor sought.
Open to His plan,
A clear acceptance
Of who I am.
Form and matter
Need each other
In a sustaining presence.
Harmony and clatter.
Which grabs my attention?
So good to be alive and aware
Of how we all fit together.
Life flows on
In sequence,
And I float red ribbons
On the crest of the waves
Washing over me,
And come up sputtering
For air,
Laughing in the face of my despair!
Oh yeah,
The deeper I delve
Into my pain,
The freedom of laughter bubbles
Spilling over,
And healing the woundedness,
Constricting bands
Become (garlands, boughs) of flowers,
Falling across my chest,
And are renewed in
The cool, clear breath
Of forgiveness.

Can love be far behind?

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