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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

A poem about St. Patrick

A poem about St. Patrick

Oh, Patrick was a privileged son
Of wealthy British gentry
His name alone could
Open doors
His mien could gain him entry
T’was thought him favored in his birth
And envied him by all
But God selected him for growth
Pride goeth before a fall,
At sweet 16
His castle crumbled
His bubble burst and he
Was kidnapped, shamed, defiled,
And sold across the sea
In slavery he became a
And learned to use his shame
To help his fellow men to God
To faith and peace and hope
In Him
Not relying on wealth and family name
In freedom he sought
Poverty to fill his soul with
And found his call in
Doing good to love the heathen
He spent his life for 30 years
Blessing God’s Emerald Isle
Becoming one with the Christ
He found in the face
Of the Irish Child.
His greatness came in being
Small and poor and meek and mild
The snakes he foiled were
Greed and sin and hate for
Fellow men
Oh, Patrick change our hearts
This day
To seek for golden faith
To open hearts and minds
With love
Till peace can reign again

3 17 05

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