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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Peace and Love

Peace and Love

Peace and love
Natural elements of the universe.
I will not choose to exist in a bubble of self-protection
Will not habituate myself
To toxic for me/or unhealthy
Environments, Love people,
Use things, abuse neither
Seek and embrace
All is as it should be and
I can be truly me, truly whole
No longer chipping away at
My integrity and denying and
Giving away chunks of myself to those
Who don’t respect them. 


Father, I am open

Father, I am Open

Father, I am open and willing to be the loving child of your heart.  Direct me.
Jesus, thank you for being my loving brother.  Guide me to other loving brothers.
Spirit of truth, sustain me in hope and joy.
Nourish my soul
Burnish my heart
In Jesus
The rest that I need
Flows abundantly through you
Residence is vain
I’ll not stifle it
What I know that
I know
I don’t know
I know only
My version
Of the truth
That is not knowledge
But perception
Nd more truth is available
As preconceived notions fade
Impressions fall away
Apprehension have no

Substance or power


Blessed Presence

Blessed Presence, 

Thank you for today, the beautiful sky as the sun arise.  Thoughts and prayers for  special friends and their menagerie, for my prayer partner from the retreat for willingness to call and reach out, for prayers for those in my life with great need. Today I will abstain from advice giving, broken promises to myself and others, from eating anything that does not contribute to my well-being, manipulation, pettiness and small mindedness, and selfishness or self-centeredness.  

Thank you, Jesus.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Hold Me in Your Love

Hold Me in Your Love

Hold me in your love
Sweet Jesus
Keep me close today
Shedding fears
Shedding tears
Jesus, Comfort me

Make me recline in my own reality
Softly, softly treads the beast
Can that beast be me?




  Open to new ideas
    Perseverance in peaceful pursuits
      Energy to embrace my essence.   Thank You, Jesus


Good Morning Jesus

Good Morning Jesus Prayer

Good, good morning, Jesus, love.  Today may I have and experience the fruits of an understanding heart and the suppleness of mind and spirit, so that I will relate more caringly to others. 

Joy emerges from the ashes of adversity through trust and thankfulness.

Thankfulness is being so full of gratitude and appreciation that all my senses tingle with anticipation.  The bonds of sisterhood, brotherhood, family-hood, vibrate, reverberate in a never ending unity of goodness, truth and beauty.

Complete surrender, now there’s a concept foreign to my nature.  And yet, each time I have run out of me, totally exhausted my “poor pitiful pear”, experienced the emptiness; you have been there, ready to embrace, to absorb really the whole bloody mess- the hurt, the anger (thinly disguised as helplessness) the awkwardness, dull wittedness, the blame, oh yes the stubbornness, drowsiness, the denial, confusion, need I say despair, what are the 4 horsemen?  All of it, all of it, all of it, it stinketh.  I am and can feel like a shiny crucible awaiting your divine ordination, your thumbprint- you choose me, so use me oh God.


Friday, December 8, 2017

A Prayer of Growing

A Prayer of Growing

I can learn to experience a plethora of feelings, growing, flowing into a pool of vivine love as love is divinity itself.

I am surrounded on all sides by healing energy.  It lifts me up into an ethereal presence that is all embracing.  I have everything I need to heal others by radiating that presence.  Namaste

Father, Creator, Essence of Joy, laughing Gipeto, hope flowing from your fingertips, give the gift of laughter today to every single person with whom I have had an encounter in my life.

It is only when I fully experience the feeling of  helplessness and embrace it, that I can welcome empowerment from Godly sources.

Godly sources (other seekers) with our loving, people are enabled to lead richer lives.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

My Head Doesn't Think

My Head Doesn't Think

My head doesn’t think, it plots. 
It’s difficult for me to quiet my mind. 
God is doing for me what I can’t do for myself.
Let go and let God.
Leave it all to chance
I could have missed the pain
I’d have had to miss the dance

A New Peace

A New Peace

A new peace
A new calm
A new acceptance
Peace without respect is not peace
Appreciation will follow

Gratitude to the source enfolds.

Dear God,

Dear God, 

grant us never to lose the grace of self-knowledge.

Deliver me from the violence of irreverence, exploitation, and control.  

Grant me the desire and the strength to act responsibly within the cycle of creation.