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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Happy 68th Birthday Bill

Happy 68th Birthday, Bill

Oh Billy was a playful boy
An ever active child
I remember how he loved to climb
Explore and test
And push himself
And sometimes just “run wild”
But I recall he’d also take
Himself up in a tree
To sit and watch the world around
While he could simply be.
He loved the cow, the birds, the squirrels
He loved his dog named “Spike”
His curiosity knew no bounds
Though he was just a “tyke”
He’d take things apart
To see how they worked
And he loved to spin tales
Just one of his quirks
He loved to play ball
Take hikes, be outside
He excelled at most games
With a grin a mile wide
He milked our cow, Bossy,
And sold fresh lemonade
To the neighbors and workmen
T’was the sweet drink our mom made
I have happy memories
Of my childhood with Bill
We’ve spent years apart
But my heart’s with him still
For the things that we
In our formative years
Are the substance of life
That brought laughter and tears
And they formed
the compassion and acceptance
we first knew
it’s a bonding I cherish
it’s a love that is true.
I can count on my brother
And pray for him daily
I’ll call on his birthday

Just to hear his voice gaily


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