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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Bits and Pieces of Poems

Bits and Pieces of Poems

He came down that we may have love.
My Lord is a lamp unto my feet and light

Unto my path.

I am convinced
Nothing can separate us
From the love of God
That is in Christ Jesus

Rockamy Soul in The Bosom of Abraham

Tenderly touch all my tendrils of love
Keep me from harm
As life forces the seeds and the bulbs
Of my innermost groers to bud

Let me water when needed
With your floods of compassion
Let me feed on that wisdom held grain
Let me rest in the arms of your justice
While your nurture doth was away pain

I have begun to give… Do thou begin to receive

Measure heaped up and flowing over
Falling on the floor
open wide your spirit to receive
His graces more and more
When we seek with spoon or cup
Tis not enough to fill us up

Open wide the gates He sayeth
He begins to give to pay us
His blessings to a hundredfold
Just as He foretold of old

Mary, with the laughing soul
Makes her dreams come true
Tends her needs and cares for others
While she’s loyal through and through

She takes a chance, (then takes another) or (two or three)
When she starts her life each day
She prays for courage when she falters
And love and trust to light the way

A helping hand she often gives
Grateful heart beats deep within
Encouragement and true compassion
To help the lost begin again.

Mary’s love of life’s infectious
Those who know her catch it, too (she loves are surely blest)
I’m so proud to be her mother
With Matt and Hannah, I’m loved best.

He begins a never ending
Flood of graces
While we’re tending
All the seeds that He has sown
And the crops that He has grown
In us in our hearts and spirit
So when He calls
His voice we hear it
I am knocking at your door
With all your sick and oceans more
Open your eyes behold the store
Open your selves that I may pour
All the fruits that you have tended
Into hearts which we have mended
Healing with our daily balm
Sustained when you have given alms
Of time and treasures, talent too
When I have called and beckoned you,
Freely I give – freely receive
All because- you have believed
Here’s my treasure rich and rare

Distribute it with loving care

To suit up and show up
And answer His call
If the 2.B. doesn’t signal

I won’t run with the ball.

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