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Saturday, October 21, 2017

I Start my Day with God

I Start my Day Alone with God

I start my day alone with God
And all else falls into place
But I must be the one to see
And find the private visiting space,
I first must calm my active mind
To hold my sometimes troubled soul
Up to the light
For Him to find
And gently pluck away the burrs
That tangle up the skein of life
That prick like thorns or spurs
And builds the tempest in my breast
Till I strike out in anguished strife
And hurt the ones I love the best

Dear God let me just for today
Forgo the haste
I know delays
Our time together
In quiet repose
That (nurtures, succors) my spirit
From my head to my toes
That takes all of yesterdays
Outward distractions
Others foibles and trials
To which in your goodness ?

I don’t need a reaction
Let our connection be strong
And our vision be true
Let me haste to right wrongs
And thus cleansed turn to you
For you ‘ll guide all I do
All I am, think and say
Could I ask for a more wondrous
And holy start to the day?


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