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Friday, October 20, 2017

Do You Take This Man?

Do You Take This Man?

It was never an equal alliance
I am assured that I need never
Again be unequally yoked.  What freedom
I didn’t do dalliance – but
Flirtation was the only (?)
At which I could present myself
And starting to uncover a real me
Was too painful
A foreign country – without a map
And I a geographical illiterate
Well, I didn’t speak the language
And only understanding a word or two
I, naturally, stood on the precipice
Unfolding a veil just enough to titillate
A peek or two
What do I do
My mama never told me
Nor showed me
How good it felt to be me
What license
Seems I needed your permission
To hunt in the garden
Of make believe
Where phantoms flit
Beneath the trees
And among the flowers
Perfect precision in a
Well landscaped design
Boxed borders and profusions
Of delicate blossoms
Colors and texture
Wafted perfumes – too heady
To control the senses
Running amuck
Nowhere to hide
Am I to stay stuck? Inside?
Exposed to the frippery
With an all too obvious
“For Sale” sign
Across my bosom
Belying the heaving mass of nervous gaglia
Surrounding this pubescent heart
No connections with the gut
Which is shrieking
For help and guidance
And time and tolerance
And acceptance
When I didn’t even know the words
Let alone their meanings
No wonder I felt empty
From my chin to my knees
Naked, exposed
Not even a feather to cover
My most vulnerable self.  Please
Can I crawl back on the shelf
And like the Cheshire Cat
Slowly dis-------a-------pear
With only the grin
To show that I was ever there
That I was ever
That was
That I



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