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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Letter to Mom about 9 11


Hi Mom,

It’s the morning after perhaps the greatest single even tragedy and loss of life in the history of our country.  The U.S. was literally attacked by terrorists at the core of our society and I’m feeling that it’s an indictment of who we have become.  The Pentagon and the World Trade Center – Maybe the heart of our military and economic ego. I feel some shame along with the sadness Mom, I have grieved what I saw in Mary and Richard when you were dying and there appears to me a sameness.  The reaction to the ungrieved  losses is disbelief, suspicion and vengeance.  At the heart of the fear.  I believe that turning to God is the answer and that pulling together to grieve losses as a nation is so important.  Please ask God to pour down graces to turn our hearts from bitterness to love.  I will pray that we can release a flood of compassion, tenderness, helpfulness and hope to engulf and burn away the bitterness, hatred, voyeurism and despair.  All things work to the good for those who love the Lord.  May it be so and may I see and do what I can do to bring this about.  Mom, I love you and revel in God’s saving grace and holy love.

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