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Monday, October 16, 2017



Rest, rest, oh silent peaceful rest.
Of all God’s graces
P’raps this is the best.

A strong calm spirit alone
Can someday be
The perfect pallet upon which
He imprints
The image of His Son expressed in me.

‘Tis not in hurry, anxious time,
Nor yet in scurry and the sore distress of restlessness.
A Christ-like spirit
Births instead,
In quiet rest.  His blessedness
Attains its richest taste
It’s most vibrant life enhancing hue
When we shut down our hurried busyness.
Its then our minds by haste confused
Can grasp a way so bright and new,
And yet so ancient tried and true.

For ‘tis His way to sit and rest and pray.

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