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Monday, October 16, 2017

On Falling in Love with Jesus

On Falling in Love with Jesus

Oh! Every day’s a new day
To fall in love with Jesus
Early on when dawn is just begun,
When the promise of the day
Seems a million miles away,
The falling trick is more than half the fun

Every hurdle, every rock
Can be just a place to stop
And decide to simply
Turn it all around.
For when you’ve got a glimpse
When you’re enamored by the prince
Don’t plant your feet
Too firmly on the ground.
Put your head back in the clouds
And ignore the swirling crowds
Who would taunt or tease your heart
Back to their goals.

Pause a sec and recollect
It’s a new day – what the heck
You can think or even shout
You can really let it out
I’ll fall in love with Jesus once again. 

Every slight and slur and roadblock
Can a reminder be
That he fell in love with me
And was nailed to a tree
So that I could simply be His Precious Dove.

So I’ll stop and wait and listen
As days turn into weeks
Yes, I’ll use the tears that glisten
On my cheeks
To cleanse my heart of hatred, fear and blame,
As he gently calls my name.
See He holds His arms out wide
So that I can slip inside.
And I’ll fall in love with Jesus
That’s my game.

I just fell in love with Jesus once again
And I’ll love Him daily
In my fellow men
In the women that I meet
At the spiritual retreat
As well as all the homeless on the street.
In the birds and squirrels and house pets
And some creatures I’ve nt met yet
For I’ve fallen for Him, good and sure and true.

Now I’ll offer you an invite
To relax - - don’t be so uptight.
Take a walk and not a pill
You’ll find He loves you still,
Let the tumult
And the strife
Lie where they lay.
Don’t pick them up
To wrestle once again.

Conflict is not yours, you never bought it
And God knows you never sought it.
Let it lie there
At their feet and turn away.

Let them honor their own pain
Fall in love with Jesus once again

Peace, Joy, and abounding love!  Kack Nugent

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