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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Dear Kack

October 21, 2017

Dear Kack,

I have completed entering all the items I typed from your first journal.  I have highlighted in red all of the bits I found in margins or in parenthesis.  Occasionally, I will also suggest an edit in red.  I don't want my stamp on your poetry so I leave all as close to original as possible.  

I have to create titles for the post and each header in each post.  I don't highlight them in red.  Some of them were your titles but mostly I make them up so feel free to change any title.  All you need to do is type your change into the comments section of each poem or just call me.

If you want a poem, letter, or prayer removed just let me know and I can delete them.  

It continues to be an honor to type your work for you.  I have been deeply touched by many of your poems and prayers.  Thank you for taking the time to write them down. 

I believe this blog will make it easier for you to share your poems. Just tell someone the blog title is  I also made some cards for you to hand out.  If you run out just ask for more. This is not a hardship.  I created a page and saved it on my computer.  All I need to do is locate it, print it, and cut the cards with my paper cutter.  

I have put a search gadget near the top of the page to make it quick to find a poem by title.  I also did a little test and found that it will also locate by word.  I got a very long list of poems as a response when I typed the word "love" into the search box. This search gadget doesn't seem to be visible on mobile phones, but it is easily found while viewing this blog on my computer.

November 7, 2017

I recently modified a random post generator into a random poem generator.  It too only shows up on computers.  Click on one of the titles in the list and it will generate another list of five poems.

November 10, 2017

To post a comment, you must type the comment in the box and then click on publish.

November 13, 2017

A couple of days ago, I added the butterfly animation.  It was free animation I found on the Internet.  This morning I added a few more poems from the third journal.  I am looking forward to your comments showing up so that I might tweak your poetry to suit you.

January, 14, 2018

I added a few more posts this morning.  I can see that you haven't added any comments yet.   I've nearly completed your third journal and I have completed all of the loose papers I've found.

Lots of love, Carmen

January 18, 2018

I edited the header of your blog, adding the word prayers.  The header has limited space so every time I add something, something has to go.  Please use the comment section to help edit your poetry if you want it edited.  

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