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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Finding the Key

Finding The Key

He comes, He comes
I know He comes
Tho, yet, I fail to see
His wings
Still I know He comes
He’s here in you and me.

He comes, He comes
And sooths my soul
The dreadful tempest He’ll surely calm
If I can trust to be made whole
Just trust in Him, I’ll find the balm

He comes, I know He comes
He’s here, beside me in my bower
He shows me when
To stretch my hand
To another soul more sorely stress
He gives me strength in every hour
In blessing others, I am blest

He comes and holds me to His heart
Then sends me faith to do my part
To heal the sick and bring them peace
To share what I’ve been given
When finally, upon my knees
I’ve touched a bit of heaven.


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