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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Steep me in your love

Steep me in your love

Sweet Jesus
Hold me close today
Guide me, guard me
Calm me, Jesus
Help me want to stay
Safe beside you for this day
That is where I’ll be
Shedding fears and shedding tears
Jesus, comfort me

Let me put down charm and ploy
And my brilliance, too
Using others as my toy
Now, I give to you

Artifice just has to go
It’s causing me to lose
The one true daughter that you
The one who hopes to choose
Honest and trust in you
With my soul laid bare
Steep me in your love,
Sweet Jesus
Guide me humbly there
I cared

A poem about St. Patrick

A poem about St. Patrick

Oh, Patrick was a privileged son
Of wealthy British gentry
His name alone could
Open doors
His mien could gain him entry
T’was thought him favored in his birth
And envied him by all
But God selected him for growth
Pride goeth before a fall,
At sweet 16
His castle crumbled
His bubble burst and he
Was kidnapped, shamed, defiled,
And sold across the sea
In slavery he became a
And learned to use his shame
To help his fellow men to God
To faith and peace and hope
In Him
Not relying on wealth and family name
In freedom he sought
Poverty to fill his soul with
And found his call in
Doing good to love the heathen
He spent his life for 30 years
Blessing God’s Emerald Isle
Becoming one with the Christ
He found in the face
Of the Irish Child.
His greatness came in being
Small and poor and meek and mild
The snakes he foiled were
Greed and sin and hate for
Fellow men
Oh, Patrick change our hearts
This day
To seek for golden faith
To open hearts and minds
With love
Till peace can reign again

3 17 05

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Be still and know that I am God

Be still and know that I am God

Be still and know that
I am God
Just follow where my feet
Have trod
My son alone doth show the
For you to walk throughout
This day
In sweet surrender you
Must lay
Your burdens down
To rest in me
I am your sole and only
Of comfort, strength and
Yes, of loss
Admit defeat and victory
I’m here to heal your battered mind
A plan for you
I have you see
Ignore the madding crowds
Vain jeers
To hear my whisper in your
You’re mine, my child
I gave to you-your
Daughter is my daughter too.
I’ll love her, soothe her
Give her care
I’ll even comb her tangled
She is a special child
Of God
So she can tred where I
Have trod
And you can rest your
Weary soul
Just rest in me
I’ve made you whole
No matter what the others
I’ll sooth your heart
In my own way
Be still and know that
I am God
Be still and know that  I
Am God 


Loving with Godlike Impartiality

Loving with Godlike Impartiality

Jesus my lover, please let me
Love all- Let me close out distractions
Respond to your call
See you in the beggar, the least
And the small
Oh, open my heart
Put a freeze on my fear
Let me find only you in those I meet here
Engage eye and mind
So I choose to be kind
Finding Christ ever present
In those whom the world’s left behind
Oh Jesus, my lover, please
Let me love all.
Relax in His arms
Release your inner pressure
He relieves you pain
Holding on to Him is bliss
Letting go of pain
Opening up to His sweet kiss
Resistance is in vain

Gratitude prevails
When one can finally see
Naught depends on me
Letting go is fun
Patience is its own reward
No more sweat and strain

Lesson learned – give praise


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Prayer 2 1 05

2-1-05 Prayer

 Good night, my own dearest Lord.  Thank you especially for 12 step friends and the affirmation of your love through them.  Thank you for the memory of some of my abandonments as by ______and ________ when _______ was a baby.  Thank you for being there for me and for showing me how to cherish young Kack as a wife and mother and the child of your heart.  Thank you for _______ call and for mutual affirmation and never turning.  Thank you for the sunshine and for ______friend…..

Prayer 1 31 05


Goodnight, Precious Lord.  Thank you for peace and contentment in facing and completing the long-dreaded offer in compromise.  Thank you for letting me appreciate the goodness in the day and the people around me.  Thank you for warmth and health and acceptance and enjoyment of my singleness.  Thank you for the 12 steps.  Amen and alleluia.

Prayer 1 30 05


Good night, precious Lord.  Thank you for peace of mind, self care, and a willing spirit.  Thank you, especially for prayer and poetry, for feeling cherished by you and hopeful.  Thank you for a good, orderly direction, good health and frost and ________ good health as well as detoxing ______ for me and for my lovely and warm home. Oh yes, and for _______ and the twins healthy progress.  Amen


It is Alright to Feel Helpless

It is Alright to Feel Helpless

Not helpless- but not clear thinking
Lord is where I am right now
But that can draw me closer to you
You’ll show me where and how
To use my senses and my
Thoughts- there’s will I’m told
In this
And I shall turn them over
And receive your touch with bliss
No action need I take in haste
Nor push and strain and moan
Confusion can a blessing be
True wisdom can’t be hone
I think it’s grace that flows with ease
When acceptance comes to dwell
This fretful heart -its struggles
And courage makes it swell
Oh wisdom come and fill my
And wipe away my sin
Let all my being shun control
That peace may come and
Dwell therein


Dear Kack

October 21, 2017

Dear Kack,

I have completed entering all the items I typed from your first journal.  I have highlighted in red all of the bits I found in margins or in parenthesis.  Occasionally, I will also suggest an edit in red.  I don't want my stamp on your poetry so I leave all as close to original as possible.  

I have to create titles for the post and each header in each post.  I don't highlight them in red.  Some of them were your titles but mostly I make them up so feel free to change any title.  All you need to do is type your change into the comments section of each poem or just call me.

If you want a poem, letter, or prayer removed just let me know and I can delete them.  

It continues to be an honor to type your work for you.  I have been deeply touched by many of your poems and prayers.  Thank you for taking the time to write them down. 

I believe this blog will make it easier for you to share your poems. Just tell someone the blog title is  I also made some cards for you to hand out.  If you run out just ask for more. This is not a hardship.  I created a page and saved it on my computer.  All I need to do is locate it, print it, and cut the cards with my paper cutter.  

I have put a search gadget near the top of the page to make it quick to find a poem by title.  I also did a little test and found that it will also locate by word.  I got a very long list of poems as a response when I typed the word "love" into the search box. This search gadget doesn't seem to be visible on mobile phones, but it is easily found while viewing this blog on my computer.

November 7, 2017

I recently modified a random post generator into a random poem generator.  It too only shows up on computers.  Click on one of the titles in the list and it will generate another list of five poems.

November 10, 2017

To post a comment, you must type the comment in the box and then click on publish.

November 13, 2017

A couple of days ago, I added the butterfly animation.  It was free animation I found on the Internet.  This morning I added a few more poems from the third journal.  I am looking forward to your comments showing up so that I might tweak your poetry to suit you.

January, 14, 2018

I added a few more posts this morning.  I can see that you haven't added any comments yet.   I've nearly completed your third journal and I have completed all of the loose papers I've found.

Lots of love, Carmen

January 18, 2018

I edited the header of your blog, adding the word prayers.  The header has limited space so every time I add something, something has to go.  Please use the comment section to help edit your poetry if you want it edited.  

Four Days After 9/11

Four Days After 9/11

My heart is heavy but not dead weight.  It really helps me to pray for the perpetrators of this atrocity (not just the victims), their families and the country.  I welcome the sunshine and the new day and am grateful for my prayerful Mom and Dad.  I feel so blessed by God and empowered to be me.  Lord, help me to detach from the character defects of those closest to me.  Thank you for the gift of Rachel and Brian’s baby now with you and with his grandparents and all the saints.  Help him to comfort some of the most hurting alienated from you.  Thank you.

Sept. 13, 01

Letter to Mom about 9 11


Hi Mom,

It’s the morning after perhaps the greatest single even tragedy and loss of life in the history of our country.  The U.S. was literally attacked by terrorists at the core of our society and I’m feeling that it’s an indictment of who we have become.  The Pentagon and the World Trade Center – Maybe the heart of our military and economic ego. I feel some shame along with the sadness Mom, I have grieved what I saw in Mary and Richard when you were dying and there appears to me a sameness.  The reaction to the ungrieved  losses is disbelief, suspicion and vengeance.  At the heart of the fear.  I believe that turning to God is the answer and that pulling together to grieve losses as a nation is so important.  Please ask God to pour down graces to turn our hearts from bitterness to love.  I will pray that we can release a flood of compassion, tenderness, helpfulness and hope to engulf and burn away the bitterness, hatred, voyeurism and despair.  All things work to the good for those who love the Lord.  May it be so and may I see and do what I can do to bring this about.  Mom, I love you and revel in God’s saving grace and holy love.

A Man of Stature

A man of stature

A man of stature
In more ways than one
Faithful to his calling
Till his life’s work is done

Love beholds thee and is glad

I think not of the loss we feel
When He is called afield
But of the chance that opens up
For both of us to yield
Unto God’s will
And thus to grow
Each to become
More who we are
And thus you’ll see
The God in me
And I will see in you
The shepherd and the poet
For he’s there within our view
The fertile soil we fielded here
Is richer now than when
He first began to till the seeds
To plant the trees
To till the earth on bended knees
And harvest crops
As people’s needs
Became their source of growth
And so he grew apace with us
And left when he was called
We grieved before
And grieve again
What we perceived as loss
But all is gain
And all is good
When called by God
To personhood
By God who’s surely boss 
And all are wiser this
Time around – for we have found
A way to bless with him
This field we’ve tilled
And bless each new surprise
With open hands
And grateful hearts
We’ll bless the tears
The liquid prayer that flows from wiser eyes

Happy 68th Birthday Bill

Happy 68th Birthday, Bill

Oh Billy was a playful boy
An ever active child
I remember how he loved to climb
Explore and test
And push himself
And sometimes just “run wild”
But I recall he’d also take
Himself up in a tree
To sit and watch the world around
While he could simply be.
He loved the cow, the birds, the squirrels
He loved his dog named “Spike”
His curiosity knew no bounds
Though he was just a “tyke”
He’d take things apart
To see how they worked
And he loved to spin tales
Just one of his quirks
He loved to play ball
Take hikes, be outside
He excelled at most games
With a grin a mile wide
He milked our cow, Bossy,
And sold fresh lemonade
To the neighbors and workmen
T’was the sweet drink our mom made
I have happy memories
Of my childhood with Bill
We’ve spent years apart
But my heart’s with him still
For the things that we
In our formative years
Are the substance of life
That brought laughter and tears
And they formed
the compassion and acceptance
we first knew
it’s a bonding I cherish
it’s a love that is true.
I can count on my brother
And pray for him daily
I’ll call on his birthday

Just to hear his voice gaily


Bits and Pieces of Poems

Bits and Pieces of Poems

He came down that we may have love.
My Lord is a lamp unto my feet and light

Unto my path.

I am convinced
Nothing can separate us
From the love of God
That is in Christ Jesus

Rockamy Soul in The Bosom of Abraham

Tenderly touch all my tendrils of love
Keep me from harm
As life forces the seeds and the bulbs
Of my innermost groers to bud

Let me water when needed
With your floods of compassion
Let me feed on that wisdom held grain
Let me rest in the arms of your justice
While your nurture doth was away pain

I have begun to give… Do thou begin to receive

Measure heaped up and flowing over
Falling on the floor
open wide your spirit to receive
His graces more and more
When we seek with spoon or cup
Tis not enough to fill us up

Open wide the gates He sayeth
He begins to give to pay us
His blessings to a hundredfold
Just as He foretold of old

Mary, with the laughing soul
Makes her dreams come true
Tends her needs and cares for others
While she’s loyal through and through

She takes a chance, (then takes another) or (two or three)
When she starts her life each day
She prays for courage when she falters
And love and trust to light the way

A helping hand she often gives
Grateful heart beats deep within
Encouragement and true compassion
To help the lost begin again.

Mary’s love of life’s infectious
Those who know her catch it, too (she loves are surely blest)
I’m so proud to be her mother
With Matt and Hannah, I’m loved best.

He begins a never ending
Flood of graces
While we’re tending
All the seeds that He has sown
And the crops that He has grown
In us in our hearts and spirit
So when He calls
His voice we hear it
I am knocking at your door
With all your sick and oceans more
Open your eyes behold the store
Open your selves that I may pour
All the fruits that you have tended
Into hearts which we have mended
Healing with our daily balm
Sustained when you have given alms
Of time and treasures, talent too
When I have called and beckoned you,
Freely I give – freely receive
All because- you have believed
Here’s my treasure rich and rare

Distribute it with loving care

To suit up and show up
And answer His call
If the 2.B. doesn’t signal

I won’t run with the ball.