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Tuesday, November 7, 2017



I’ll sing my way to Victory
That gives my soul bright
Together we will soar and glide
The spoils go to she who sings.

Taunts and slurs bounce back
To soil the soul that lives in
I’ll not succumb and play
Their games
No matter what the cost
My child’s fresh face shall
Lead me on
Through battles tempest tossed
She’ll see what we can be in
Who bore the brutal pain
Then where
Her time of grief and loss
Has girded her with strength
In Christ’s true love we’ll
Find our peace
We’ll sing our songs of joy
And walk together once again.

I think this is another poem but it really might be the last bit of the one before it.

“My grace is sufficient for thee”
Looking back I with wonder
Can see
My sins wiped away
And I’m beckoned to stay
Close beside him

And bathed in His grace
V itality – new life
   I ntimacy with God and like-minded others
      C elebration of each new day
         T ogetherness in honest
            O wnership of my own inventory
               R ighteousness (Not self-righteousness)
                  Y earning for justice for all concerned

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