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Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Power of Gratitude

A heart full of gratitude

Has the power to move boulders
To carry legions of warriors
On the slenderest of shoulders

A heart full of gratitude
Melts hatred and blame
With soft words and kind smiles
Can shed terror and shame
Can walk hundreds of miles

Will heal years of oppression
Make a humble confession
Will wipe a child’s tears
Love one’s own face in the mirror

A heart full of gratitude
Is more precious than gold
It finds that loving and giving
Never grows old

In the warmth of a hug
And the light of a smile
The worlds’ worries and terrors
Can dissolve for a while

So….let’s celebrate life
And feel joy in each other
Giving Him praise and glory
For each sister and brother

               Kack Nugent 2-13-06

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