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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Stronger in the Broken Places

Stronger in the Broken Places

Stronger in the broken places,
Bending to the tasks you’ve set
For me
Searching out the rocks the
Depths to ford
Holding fast the cision that
Will be

Letting go of selfishness, doubt and fear
(Living? Loving? Leaving?) others in their own dear
Reaching out to victims as we
Their messages of hope in loss
And gain
Learning lessons step by tiny
Leave behind the bitterness and
Trusting Lord in you, our
Final help
Ashes we’ve become, though
Not yet dead

Rising like a phoenix
From the (drass, dross?)
Shining in the grace of His
Pure light
Though it seems we go from loss
To loss
We’re only leaving baggage in
Our flight

Stronger in the broken places
Let that ever be my earnest plea
Gaining strength and hope
And giving comfort
You poured forth for all on

Reaching out to others in
Our travels
No man’s spiritual path is
Walked alone
Each new generation needs its
Building new foundations
Stone on stone
Patience is the mortar in
Their process
Built in new acceptance day
By day
We begin to heal (and see our)(in each new)
Blending lives of prayer and
Work and play


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