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Sunday, November 5, 2017

She is Free

She is Free

Trusting in His Word
He says brings spirit and light.
Help me light my lamp

She says she is a follower
I see her as unique
To me it seems she’s a rebel
Not necessarily a bad thing
Jesus was a rebel

Let me let her go in peace
And grow in her own way
Let my doubt and troubles ease
You Lord have the last say

And also the first word
Thy will be done
You’ve fashioned beauty here
The stone rejected by the builder
Has become the cornerstone

May we each open ourselves
To our own gifts
And go with our own flow
To me at this moment
That spells out let go

And let God must follow
In kind
Be resigned
Put my mind
Don’t try to come from behind
Or in front
Walk hand in hand
Embracing our land
It’s varieties, discords
And fears
Kino its history
That’s its mystery
Be your listening self
That’s important, too
She can’t be you
Nor you her
But love can flow
Encourage her
You heard
This little light of mine
I’m gonna let it shine
Offer her a battery
From time to time

Let go, let God


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