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Monday, November 13, 2017

My Unknown Grandmother

My Unknown Grandmother

Sometimes I see you
Seeing me through
My own deep-set eyes
I fantasize
And hear your laughter
In my own laugh
Feel your exhaustion
In my own sighs

Do you come through
In the slight curve of my lips
A raised brow
An imperceptible lisp
A desire to make all things right
An uncertainty whether to
Choose fight or flight?

I hope you sometimes wanted to know me
I choose to feel your
Yearning has helped
Me the best me
I can be
I love in me

Your Granddaughter, Kack

July 13, 15



Maybe the gift God was offering you was patience. 
God’s grace surround you today.

Power of prayer
  Awareness and attention that all is well
     Time to achieve tenderness, no artificial tenderizer
        Intention to intimacy through insight
          Eternal elements energize
             Niceness nourishes kindness
                Compassion completes-walk a mile in my shoes
                    Empty out the dross- equality is burnished


Seeking Mr. Wonderful

Seeking Mr. Wonderful

Seeking Mr. Wonderful
Don’t need your money
Don’t need your toys
Not interested in hearing
All your old war hero stories

Not interested in status
Leary of good looks
Don’t want to hear about your ex
But I’m a sucker for your good looks

What I think of politicians
Is very little indeed
Bigots and smooth talkers
I’ll not follow where they lead

Charity and compassion
Will go a long long way
With humility and thoughtfulness
I can hear what you say

But saying can be fluff
It’s what you do today
That’s enough to tempt
Me to engage
In some light repartee

A Path of Peace

A Path of Peace

Turning from a path of planning
To a path of peace
A quiet mind, an open heart
Frantic scurrying will cease
Comfort, joy and safety start
Down a path where
Seeds are planted
Soil enriched and cultivated
Fertilized with patience
Intolerance is ditched
We see a light where he has waited
Kindness comes as no surprise
Abundant beauty fills our eyes.


In Grace

In Grace

Recriminate-refuse, dross
No recriminations:
Not my business man
What you say of me
I’m my own best fan
Friend of Christ you see

I’ll make a gratitude list
And put you at the top
Jesus needed Judas’ fist
Blamings not but slap

If one dances
Advancing in grace
After Eucharist
My soul encased
In grace
Adores you
Embrace the frightened child within
Dispel all vestiges
Of sin
Our hearts fly

A new dance is born

Friday, November 10, 2017


Keep it simple…stupid
Lord, thank you for pulling the plug on my
 “magnificent magnifying mind”. 
Let me look at simplify through your eyes.


Seek sincerity, sanity, serenity
I let go of impression management
Move towards truth
Pray always giving Praise
Lead with love
Imitate only good
Family, friends, fun are
Your fortune

Seek sincerity, sanity, serenity
  I let go of impression management
    Move towards truth
      Pray always giving Praise
        Lead with love
          Imitate only good
            Family, friends, fun are
              Your fortune

10 20 14

Flowing Feelings

Flowing Feelings

A repository of flowing feelings
Moving gracefully
Through my heart
The new connections
Are revealed
Each to each
It’s bonding part
Hallelujah, hallelujah,
Healing, blending
All unknowing
Yet accepting
Tingling vibrations

Set us apart


Thank You

Thank You

Bathed in His grace
With my father, the potter,
Carver, puppeteer
My mother protectress
Proud comforter
Procreator acceptor, supporter
Encourager, forgiver, shore
Upper, thank you for the person

I am today.


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Three Prayers

Three Prayers

Prayer One

Trying to be gentle with myself – noticing progress in attitude.  Change trying to be loving today to everyone you put in my life. Thank you, Jesus, for that grace.  Please keep my mouth shut when it serves you better.  Make me a good listener.  In Jesus name, Amen

Prayer Two

Of what am I certain today?
That I am a much beloved child of God.  He will free all my needs I shall seek nothing that is not of him.

Today I want only what is holy and wholesome for all concerned and all I encounter.  I will abstain from any sense of deprivation.  Spend not time on thoughts of “oh poor meism”

No taking another’s measure, but rejoicing in their goodness, growth and victories.  Experience child like delight in other’s good fortune and use of their time and talent.

Prayer Three

Today I will abstain from expectations, disdain of others and judgement of their choices, indifference, depression, doubt, frustrations, cowardice and obligation.  I will embrace, willingness, compassion, gratitude, kindness and love.  Thank you, Jesus, for forgiveness focus and especially gratitude for my small garden and grooming my dog.  Thank you for abstinence and awareness.  Which one of us is argumentative?  Help me to look at that, Jesus.  I don’t want to argue with anyone.  It is a a waste of time and energy and is not my best self.   Thank you for removing it.  Amen



The thunder cloud releasing
Rain accentuated the sun’s brilliance
I am the willing recipient
Of God’s multiple blessings
People rejoice
Now the clouds cover the sun
For a solid five minutes
They played a duet
Coexisting in a beautiful
New harmony
Just for me
While the birds lark

In the foliage


Hey Dude

Hey Dude

Hey Dude,
Thank you for a functioning bowel
Though it’s sometimes contrary, like now.
I won’t begin to howl
You give me everything I need
By planting and fertilizing
The seed
Of gratitude.

Move me from the obsession
A constipation of

Dwelling on my minor pain




Encapsulated in warmth
On this new day
Relaxing in His love
Awakening to His fervor
Opening to adventure
And peace
a channel
A bridge
A beacon, a balm
Release from aloneness
Breathing yes
I am yours
You are mine
Each days new wholeness
No deadlines
Right on time
Opening the values of grace
Hallelujah witness
Forever free

To be me


Two Prayers

Two Prayers

Prayer One

Today Lord, show me step-by-step how to integrate my legitimate needs, my deepest desires, and my unique talents harmoniously.  Thanks you.


 Prayer Two
Jesus, I do feel cleansed and humbled.  Pleas remove any vindictiveness as well as my grandiosity.  Thank you! Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Amen.



Emptying out
Releasing apprehension
Letting go of plots, drama.
Mental scurrying – haste
Driven precipitousness
Seeking and exchanging
Safe hugs
Embrace Christ’s servitude
Allow meekness of heart to
Flow in

Drop impression management
The God in me sings always
Can the God in you hear?

If not why not?
The answer is not for me to know
I am silent with God
Until he blesses me with
The net question
Vulnerability embraced
Gently reduces fear
Of inadequacy
Of fragility
Of brokenness
Of loss
Particularly of loss of self
I am resourceful
In grieving and letting go
No longer of being remorseful
Of losing what was
Never mine

Friendships are enduring
And necessary to the time
Love is forever
I choose both
They are not mutually



Giving all to God

Giving all to God

No Walls
Cherished outcomes float away
Giving all to God (Him)
Preferences, not just a whim
Unfold in silent observation
Instincts given value

Letting others be themselves
(Have their) Foot-in-mouth disease
Intellectual lookin’ good
Jaws flapping in the breeze

Will the blustering
Wash me in its spray?
Not if I don goggles
And a hood
Clothed in Grace
Duck and leave another way
Judgement flees
Judgement flees
I am free
To worship them
Acceptance not
Gives the words
To me
The meaning is
In my heart
All is well

Image is a lot about
Lookin good is hard work and
Fails to satisfy
Satration is probably
More than enough

God’s love flows through me.


The Power of Gratitude

A heart full of gratitude

Has the power to move boulders
To carry legions of warriors
On the slenderest of shoulders

A heart full of gratitude
Melts hatred and blame
With soft words and kind smiles
Can shed terror and shame
Can walk hundreds of miles

Will heal years of oppression
Make a humble confession
Will wipe a child’s tears
Love one’s own face in the mirror

A heart full of gratitude
Is more precious than gold
It finds that loving and giving
Never grows old

In the warmth of a hug
And the light of a smile
The worlds’ worries and terrors
Can dissolve for a while

So….let’s celebrate life
And feel joy in each other
Giving Him praise and glory
For each sister and brother

               Kack Nugent 2-13-06

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

All Will be Well

 All Will be Well

A new dawn and new day
God’s in charge and all’s right
With my world.
No hurry nor haste
Not fretting or waste
Of this one precious moment
In this hour of my life
It can flow to fruition
Leaving cares
Shucking strife
If I cherish it now
Reaching down deep inside
Nothing else can replace it
I’ll not choose to reach it
Nor yet run and hide
No, I’ll love and embrace it
And all will be well




Praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out

W itness to the fullness of all His Ways
  I nterior calm in the face of rage
   L istening for His still small voice
    L etting go of unhealthy fear
     I nviting other survivors into our lives
      N oting our own reactions -lives moving to peace
       G iving up needing to know
        N odding off when necessary
         E ntering our places of safety
          S taying in His circle of light
           S tanding firm in his covenant grace




I’ll sing my way to Victory
That gives my soul bright
Together we will soar and glide
The spoils go to she who sings.

Taunts and slurs bounce back
To soil the soul that lives in
I’ll not succumb and play
Their games
No matter what the cost
My child’s fresh face shall
Lead me on
Through battles tempest tossed
She’ll see what we can be in
Who bore the brutal pain
Then where
Her time of grief and loss
Has girded her with strength
In Christ’s true love we’ll
Find our peace
We’ll sing our songs of joy
And walk together once again.

I think this is another poem but it really might be the last bit of the one before it.

“My grace is sufficient for thee”
Looking back I with wonder
Can see
My sins wiped away
And I’m beckoned to stay
Close beside him

And bathed in His grace
V itality – new life
   I ntimacy with God and like-minded others
      C elebration of each new day
         T ogetherness in honest
            O wnership of my own inventory
               R ighteousness (Not self-righteousness)
                  Y earning for justice for all concerned

Let me do Your Will

Let me do Your Will

Let me do your will, oh Lord
Let me do your will
I’m standing on your holy wondrous
My heart with joy
Please gently fill
Please take from me obsessions
So I may patient be
Guide my thoughts each day
Each hour
I give my will- please set it
Free from crazy making
Manipulation and foul plots
From gossip, criticism,
That makes me be what
I am not
In short my savior
Help me today
To embrace dear ??
Little Way


Today's Truth

Today’s Truth:

God surrounds me, God loves me, God uses me when I am honed and ready and willing and He knows I am able.  God directs and guides me when I ask humbly.  God wants me to be clear and firm in my interactions with others, also respectful of the God in them.  Let me pleas, Lord, be honest. From that flows sanity.  Head and heart embrace each other.

Stronger in the Broken Places

Stronger in the Broken Places

Stronger in the broken places,
Bending to the tasks you’ve set
For me
Searching out the rocks the
Depths to ford
Holding fast the cision that
Will be

Letting go of selfishness, doubt and fear
(Living? Loving? Leaving?) others in their own dear
Reaching out to victims as we
Their messages of hope in loss
And gain
Learning lessons step by tiny
Leave behind the bitterness and
Trusting Lord in you, our
Final help
Ashes we’ve become, though
Not yet dead

Rising like a phoenix
From the (drass, dross?)
Shining in the grace of His
Pure light
Though it seems we go from loss
To loss
We’re only leaving baggage in
Our flight

Stronger in the broken places
Let that ever be my earnest plea
Gaining strength and hope
And giving comfort
You poured forth for all on

Reaching out to others in
Our travels
No man’s spiritual path is
Walked alone
Each new generation needs its
Building new foundations
Stone on stone
Patience is the mortar in
Their process
Built in new acceptance day
By day
We begin to heal (and see our)(in each new)
Blending lives of prayer and
Work and play
