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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Secret Places of my Heart

The Secret Places of my Heart

Come shine your light
In the cobwebby corners
Of a heart that is willing to
Grow today
You uncover a gem
Where once was but dust
A loaf where was only a crust

Come dwell in that place
And fill it with warmth
Where once was gloomy and bare
And the cold made the shivers
Run right up my spine
While my head said
I’m abandoned and spare

Hold my hand and my heart
While I bleed out my wrong
The pettiness, shallow and vain
Clear the air, clear the room
Where used to dwell
Where I once lived, sullen with gloom
Oh, shine out your light
While eyes sparkle and glow
With a smile on my lips
A light stepping heart, and a head
From which beauty and truth flow

Oh, great spirit, giver of life
Birth in me an acceptance
That all your gifts are good
Even the spider on my bathroom
Floor and maybe, I don’t have
To move it, or fear it.

Comfort me and it, oh God
of laughter


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