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Monday, August 6, 2018

An Update on This Blog

Good morning to all who stop by here!

I am the one typing these poems but this blog is not my voice.  It is the voice of Kack Nugent.  These are her poems.  She has trusted me to sort through her journals and choose which entries can be shared with the general public.   The poems I'm entering currently are from the fifth journal I've sorted through.  I haven't finished entering half of them yet.  I volunteered to do this because Kack is in her 80's and technology is not her thing.  It is never done as a chore. That's why I'm not consistent.  I often create the titles although  I don't actually edit the poems but I will put in a missing word in another color and sometimes if she hasn't decided which word she wants to use, I will enter them all in parenthesis. The dates at the bottom of the poems are the dates that I gleaned from the journals on the day they were written.  I truly believe that anybody who writes as prolifically as Kack, is meant to have their writings shared with the public. 

Sincerely, Carmen Davis

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