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Monday, August 6, 2018



Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,
For the gracious and compassionate and righteous one
What a switch from God to cherish and
Welcome your darkness – a time for grieving
Losses to find the shimmering satin
Edged illumination of acceptance
Flowing graciously into hope in
Your time, Lord.
What is upright, Lord?
Is it a truly honest person?
One without an agenda
Nothing to prove
Simply welcoming each new
God grated circumstance
As an opportunity to grow
To experience adventure
Feeling the assurance of your
Holding my hand
Emptying out of self – centered fears
Will I appear foolish, unappreciative?
Needy, ungracious, boring, less than?
Hold me upright, Lord
Let me witness to your goodness
May I co-operate in my own completion
Giving glory – out-pour the stewardship
Of love and compassion
How your grace turns self-righteousness
Into righteousness
And stubbornness into gracious surrender
An attitude of gratitude
A posture of submission
Can turn a steely, selfish heart
To hear God’s new commission


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