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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Awe and Wonder

Awe and Wonder

What’s a mountaintop experience, Lord?
Answer my question, if you please
I’m your child who wants to climb
Here, take my hand and gently squeeze

When I see a fresh perspective
Ah! That is a nod from you
I am not the world’s detective
Challenging another’s view

I can just feel awe and wonder
At the splendor of each day
No fear at the storm’s loud thunder
The cleansing rain will show God’s way

I must take the time to ponder
Pause and rest from time to time
Will a cloud burst keep me stranded?
Interfering with our climb

I don’t need to plan the journey
You will point out caves and manna
For our shelter and our food
You will care for our dear Hannah
We will see it’s for her good

We must each our mountain climb
Spending time with Him alone
But we sing our praise in chorus
Finding notes that blend our tone


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