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Friday, October 19, 2018

I'll Fly

I'll Fly

Lord let me never forget
That you made me to fly
From earliest childhood
I’d dance and I’d sing
And you promised me more
That my heart would take wing

When I flounder and doubt
Because somebody said
Don’t listen to her
She’s got a big head

Well, my spirit was pricked
And the “God-air” seeped out
I was puzzled, I’d ponder
But my folks said “I’d pout”

But the child in me knew
That I’d fly with ease
Sprinkling stardust about me
With each “thank you and please”

Please make me whole, Jesus
Hold me and array me
Then I’ll fly with the eagles
No person or thing can delay me




Drowsy, drowsy, drowsy
Not scattered, tight, or blousy
Pod puffs floating in the air
Settling on the lashes tips of nose,
The hair

No need to explore or analyze
Fine to simply sit and close your eyes
All is safe and gently moves along
To and fro-ing easily
Like the cadence of a well known song


Monday, August 27, 2018

Walk With Me

Walk With Me

Comrade Jesus, walk with me
Outside forces just let them be
The essence of our life is sown
In serving you, Christ, you alone

So, take of me, Jesus
What you know
This vessel made of clay
And make of me Jesus
The seeds that grow
Your eyes, your ears
Your hands this day.
First help me serve the birds

Only goodness and kindness shall
Follow me all the days of my life

3 08 07

I'm Reeln'

I'm Reelin'

I’m reelin’
From a feelin’
Of faint heartedness

Surrounded by cinders
My rooms just a mess
Must my mind and my heart
Give sway to the blame game

No, wrap me in a cocoon of love
Lined in gratitude’s
Velvety folds with the burlap
Lining massaging my quills
Quills, spill, thrills, trills, hills
Chilled by
Nosy, defensive, reactionary
Sarcastic, rejoinders

Nurtured by honest, open-mindedness
And willingness

Sacrifice makes a splendiferous
Fertilizer of the soul’s goodness
Expansiveness blossoms and fruits…


My Hearts Voice

My Hearts Voice

My hearts voice
Unable to be silent
Stir me within
Bring my soul to rest
In your deep content

River of grace
Flowing into every fiber
Of my being
Awakening, reviving
Restoring, acclaiming
Total resurrection

How precious to address
The soul-stirred repentant sinner
Embracing our womanly essence

Standing in awe
Rejoices in silent exuberance
Not a fragment left untouched
Precious moments hidden in
Him of night

A gossamer radiance in the dawn
Rippling to the surface
Nothing strained
But stretched
To behold
His playful flirting
With a mischievous passion
Now you see me- now you don’t

3 30 07

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Secret Places of my Heart

The Secret Places of my Heart

Come shine your light
In the cobwebby corners
Of a heart that is willing to
Grow today
You uncover a gem
Where once was but dust
A loaf where was only a crust

Come dwell in that place
And fill it with warmth
Where once was gloomy and bare
And the cold made the shivers
Run right up my spine
While my head said
I’m abandoned and spare

Hold my hand and my heart
While I bleed out my wrong
The pettiness, shallow and vain
Clear the air, clear the room
Where used to dwell
Where I once lived, sullen with gloom
Oh, shine out your light
While eyes sparkle and glow
With a smile on my lips
A light stepping heart, and a head
From which beauty and truth flow

Oh, great spirit, giver of life
Birth in me an acceptance
That all your gifts are good
Even the spider on my bathroom
Floor and maybe, I don’t have
To move it, or fear it.

Comfort me and it, oh God
of laughter


I am in a Good Spot

I am in a Good Spot

I am in a good spot, Dot
Hope you are too, Lou
This is a spiritually fit place, Grace
Nothing more to do
  How about you?
Reaching and touching
Is what we do best
Grieving all  our loss
Working with the rest
Finding our safe places
Solitude’s a choice
Loneliness is human
But it doesn’t have a voice
When I use the tools
And choose to work the steps
Fear doesn’t rule for long
I’m on a gently upward curve
Not plunging to the depths
Despair and degradation
No longer has my name
Each day’s a resurrection
Though it may feel just the same
As every day before it
I’ve new eyes to see
New ears to hear
Together we’ll explore it
Grateful for peaceful acceptance
Of love’s freedom and possibilities
I can always choose love and
Letting go of another’s response
To my “leading with love”
Dona nobis pacem

1 30 11

Monday, August 6, 2018



Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,
For the gracious and compassionate and righteous one
What a switch from God to cherish and
Welcome your darkness – a time for grieving
Losses to find the shimmering satin
Edged illumination of acceptance
Flowing graciously into hope in
Your time, Lord.
What is upright, Lord?
Is it a truly honest person?
One without an agenda
Nothing to prove
Simply welcoming each new
God grated circumstance
As an opportunity to grow
To experience adventure
Feeling the assurance of your
Holding my hand
Emptying out of self – centered fears
Will I appear foolish, unappreciative?
Needy, ungracious, boring, less than?
Hold me upright, Lord
Let me witness to your goodness
May I co-operate in my own completion
Giving glory – out-pour the stewardship
Of love and compassion
How your grace turns self-righteousness
Into righteousness
And stubbornness into gracious surrender
An attitude of gratitude
A posture of submission
Can turn a steely, selfish heart
To hear God’s new commission


An Update on This Blog

Good morning to all who stop by here!

I am the one typing these poems but this blog is not my voice.  It is the voice of Kack Nugent.  These are her poems.  She has trusted me to sort through her journals and choose which entries can be shared with the general public.   The poems I'm entering currently are from the fifth journal I've sorted through.  I haven't finished entering half of them yet.  I volunteered to do this because Kack is in her 80's and technology is not her thing.  It is never done as a chore. That's why I'm not consistent.  I often create the titles although  I don't actually edit the poems but I will put in a missing word in another color and sometimes if she hasn't decided which word she wants to use, I will enter them all in parenthesis. The dates at the bottom of the poems are the dates that I gleaned from the journals on the day they were written.  I truly believe that anybody who writes as prolifically as Kack, is meant to have their writings shared with the public. 

Sincerely, Carmen Davis

My Heart

My Heart

Sadness and gratitude
Occupying the same space
In this hopeful attitude
I can see His face

Is there more inside my heart
As I turn this corner?
I can feel His solace
As I learn to mourn
Letting go of superiority and
Thinking I’m an authority
Keeps me in illusion

I don’t know what he is made of
Analyzing keeps me stuck
Wandering in a fear locked maze
Life becomes a bitter haze

Leaving judgement to the courts
And the ones who see their ilk
Frees me from the pain of disdain
Life can be a skein of silk

With which Higher powers than I
Weave a tapestry sublime
I can rest in peace and hope
Lessons learned while others cope
Trusting in His perfect time


What Sustains Me

What Sustains Me

All my assurances are waning
They support me less in what I know
Relaxing in His arms in what sustains me
I move in peace and wonder slowly by slow
The steps I take are not the ones that
Man made
But ones He held out to the wounded heart
The things to do if I would be His
Begins with simply listening for my
The tableau is not one of my directing
I’ll stand in place where only I
Can stand
His smile tells me that He’s the one selecting
My role will be to hold another’s hand
The business that others find attractive
My heart tells me for me is but distracting
In silence and in awe is where I’ll stand
Till He doth gently lead me by the hand


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Letting Go of Sadness

Letting Go of Sadness

Letting go of sadness
Grief and laughter
Hand in hand
Walked the beach
Toes deep in sand

Grief had cried an
Ocean of tears
While laughter became
Up and down
Through the years
Letting go of sad
As a garment that no longer fits
To stand naked
Before a world
Ready embrace
And seam up
The perfect cloak
Of acceptance
Other wounded souls
Healing their own scared spirits
At the flame of my confession

Knowing nothing about nothing
Experiencing that I am
A much beloved child of God

Close the door on
Entreaties, excuses, explanations,
Defenses, blather


Grace Dissolves

Grace Dissolves

The natural order of flow
Let nothing impede, deter, interfere
Allow all deterrents to crumble on
Their own nebulous foundations
Grace dissolves the ersatz mortar
Acceptance is a more flexible bond
Strengthening the natural order
In a firmer foundation
Of gentle growth
Not a hast anxiety based
Cover up solution


Free My Mind

Free My Mind

Unclench my hands, Lord, to receive
Your grace
Free my mind, Lord, please
Compulsive thoughts erase
Release my heart dear spirit of love
What a powerful source of energy
Is ignited, bright, wafting in
It’s new essence, accepting the
Empowerment of your ever renewing
Creation – death and resurrection
A generation of hope floating
New life carries me


Awe and Wonder

Awe and Wonder

What’s a mountaintop experience, Lord?
Answer my question, if you please
I’m your child who wants to climb
Here, take my hand and gently squeeze

When I see a fresh perspective
Ah! That is a nod from you
I am not the world’s detective
Challenging another’s view

I can just feel awe and wonder
At the splendor of each day
No fear at the storm’s loud thunder
The cleansing rain will show God’s way

I must take the time to ponder
Pause and rest from time to time
Will a cloud burst keep me stranded?
Interfering with our climb

I don’t need to plan the journey
You will point out caves and manna
For our shelter and our food
You will care for our dear Hannah
We will see it’s for her good

We must each our mountain climb
Spending time with Him alone
But we sing our praise in chorus
Finding notes that blend our tone


Comrade Jesus

Comrade Jesus

On your time table, comrade Jesus
Let me walk with you
Welcome those who climb the tree
Because they’re short in stature
Welcome as you’ve welcomed me
Revealing thus my nature

Comrade Jesus, release fear
That I’m not enough
What I’m short on- you supply
For you know just what I need
Material things need not apply
Word of God fill more than stuff

Comrade Jesus, help me now
In letting go of pressure
Outside forces slow me down
In my walk with you
And I’ll miss the clarity of love
That expands my view

Since time and tide wait for
No man
I’ll seek timelessness and go with the flow


Divinely Motivated

Divinely Motivated

Oh, the joy of the heart that
Relies on His power
That can rest in His presence
Peace flows hour by hour

Oh, the joy of the soul that is filled with His hope
For He wastes not a thing
Gives us courage to cope

Oh, the joy of the mind
That relaxes in praise
Pouring forth from Its lips
All the length of its days

Oh, the joy of His creature
That he has called good
For the wholeness wells up
From His own sacred food

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Kack Card Page

Dear Kack,

If you can't find me to print these out for you, here is a link to the page. 

Love, Carmen

Kack Hat Blog Page

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Real Needs Driven

Real Needs Driven

R eady, respond, responsible
E ager to listen and learn
A ble to hear the next right thing
L ove always (self – God – others)

N earness to you my God
E ver seeking goodness – seeing beauty
E ager to really listen and focus (goodness)
D etermination to give and receive affirmation
S imply surrendering – The next right thing

D angerous for me
R eality is blurred
I ntuition and imagination need to be honored
V ictory over baser instincts
E mpty self of judgement of loved ones’ choices

N egative thinking (omnipotence) abates

A Prayer to Abba

A Prayer to Abba

Goodnight, gracious Abba.  Thank you for a spirit of gratitude permeating my being.  I await your guidance tonight.  Thank you for the gift of life, of light, of time.  Peace and hope surround (my friends) please.  Thank You.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sorrow Stretches the Heart

Sorrow Stretches the Heart

Oh, sorrow come and stretch my heart
That joy the more may enter in.
Let all my senses grieve each loss
So Christ may come and dwell therein.
Make me alert to others pain
To honor it and be for them
A Christ-like presence in their midst
To bring them back to peace gain.

Oh, sorrow come as surely T'will
And open all our hearts to grace
For only in our brokenness
Can we find Christ's own human face.
Be still my soul and rest in Him
And steep in all He offers thee
Then carry forth His warm embrace
In healing others
You'll healed be,