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Monday, February 4, 2019

Rejoice in the Lord

Rejoice in the Lord

Rejoice in the Lord, Always. Again
I say rejoice
As I reflect
Happy memories float
Like colorful balloons
Tied to clouds of
Distorted images of
Pain and sadness
Visions of an angry
A large open mouth
Tonsils engorged
And quivering
Head fulminating
With each
Exploded word
My inner child
Cringes, withdraws
Like the Cheshire Cat
Into a cubicle of ice

What will it take to thaw me out
Warm and embrace me
Till I become the
Dancing fairy
Weaving gossamer
Threads of love
Among the recipients
Of his spittle
Who didn’t even
Know they were scarred

My mind drew pictures
Of a prince charming
Spiriting me away
To a castle in the rainbow
Enriched sky
Fantasy worked until it didn’t.


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