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Monday, February 4, 2019

An Understanding

An Understanding

A heart full of gratitude leaves no room for self-pity.
 Judgement or blame
quells resentment, does
not distort or deny
criticize or ask why
There’s a fluidity and ease. 
Practices thank you and please
is saddened by descensions,
Put downs and slights
Respectfully declines to engage
In competition, superiority and

Lends a helping hand, opens
Doors, windows, too.
Accepts you for who you are
Masters in transparency
Strives to live a healthy life
Rejoices in others successes
And accomplishments
Encourages and strives to
Embraces and exudes
Need – free love
A heart full of gratitude is
Lighter than air and willing
To be led to new abundances.
Please Jesus, May I live this
Day with a heart full of gratitude.


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