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Monday, February 4, 2019

The Albatross

It drags us down till
It’s hard to breather
No energy, no vision,
Eyes cast down, hoping
To avoid roots, holes,
Stumbling blocks
Avoidance becomes my focus

It’s familiar

And once I thought beautiful
My escape hatch
To hop a feeling of wholeness
Fresh air and sunlight
I looked at the world
Through its eyes
As a shadow began to fall
On everything

What I grasped turned to dust
And became my destiny
Struggling shot me back up
Into my head
To ponder and resolve

Standing at the ready to perform
Became a necessity
A straight jacket
Stooped over to avoid
The roots, the rocks, the
I hurt but
It was familiar
Who would I be
Without this conformation

Flights of fancy
Floated by
Some gripped me temporarily
Shook me up
Then dropped me
Back in the arms
Of my albatross
Who sniffed me a few
Times then bound herself around
My neck where
I ceased to breathe
It was familiar


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