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Monday, February 4, 2019

The Valley of Worry

The Valley of Worry

Worry is a sneaky guy
Masquerading as love
Concern as caring

Let us hang him
On the gallows
Of listening, acceptance and prayer
Exposing his shallowness (exploring his private parts, Mental masturbation)
And our own frilled judgement

The hanging judge
I am not
But worry must be quashed

Inevitably fruitless

Typist Note: The writing in blue was found in the margin as if she wanted to choose one phrase or the other.

4/22/15 3:00 AM

Recognition of Women’s Spirit

Recognition of Women’s Spirit

I am free. 
I always have choices. 
I choose to live in a state of gratitude
I don’t choose to peer down
Oh poor me lane
Though it oft looked inviting
Seemed to promise delights
It led instead to “aint it awfulness” pain

I’m choosing relief of the
Grief of the less 
Whatever its source
I can stay to the course
Reaching out for the hand
Of the provider

I always have choices
So I’ll state it right now
I’ll not be distracted
Divided, conflicted
The sign clearly reads
To me it’s restricted

Seeds of Disorder

Seeds of Disorder

Fear or worry
Which comes first
Sometimes fear treads lightly
Stalking me as unnamed apprehension
A benign tumor caught in my craw
Ice water coursing into my veins
Till silently worry takes over
A brief respite from urgency
Then stores itself in the deep
Recesses of my mind
Unresolved it takes action
Quietly stitching an anxiety pouch
On which I monogram
Compare and make me look good

I am enough
No fear enfolds me

In the moment
I am whole
And complete
A perfect me

Not measured
By another's compass
I do not compete

No speculation
No hesitation
No intimidation

Today I am enough
Thank you, God.  


Rejoice in the Lord

Rejoice in the Lord

Rejoice in the Lord, Always. Again
I say rejoice
As I reflect
Happy memories float
Like colorful balloons
Tied to clouds of
Distorted images of
Pain and sadness
Visions of an angry
A large open mouth
Tonsils engorged
And quivering
Head fulminating
With each
Exploded word
My inner child
Cringes, withdraws
Like the Cheshire Cat
Into a cubicle of ice

What will it take to thaw me out
Warm and embrace me
Till I become the
Dancing fairy
Weaving gossamer
Threads of love
Among the recipients
Of his spittle
Who didn’t even
Know they were scarred

My mind drew pictures
Of a prince charming
Spiriting me away
To a castle in the rainbow
Enriched sky
Fantasy worked until it didn’t.




Zeal for your house will consume me
That sanctuary within my heart
Resting there, nesting there
Spirit lightened and enlightened
Never more to part
All provided by your
Journeying forth
To see your face
In the traveler
Here beside me
Living life in your light
Hides me
From the pestilence of fear
Love surrounds
Freedom found


On Solid Ground

On Solid Ground

On solid ground
I feel secure
The things of the world
No longer (allow, alieve) me

If love is present
In my heart
No distraction deter me
From playing my part

Living life in a
God-filled universe


Life is Fun

                                      Life is Fun 

                         It’s fun
                          To be

                          I’m safe and warm and dry
                              No desire to complain
                                     About the pain
                                     Of growing old

                                     To complain
                                Would be the bane
                                     Of my claim
                                    Yes, life is fun

                                    No need to run
                                       With fear
                                  For love covers all
                          I feel it here
                                            And now
                                         The beauty
                                        The essence
                                              The lure
                                       The embrace
                           The commitment
                           The ability
                           The decision
                                             To love
                          The whole human race
                           No more neediness
                           Life is fun


My Best Self

My Best Self

If I can find beauty wherever
 I go
   I’ll know
That my best self
   Is being
Fertilized, nurtured, solaced
        To grow


The Albatross

It drags us down till
It’s hard to breather
No energy, no vision,
Eyes cast down, hoping
To avoid roots, holes,
Stumbling blocks
Avoidance becomes my focus

It’s familiar

And once I thought beautiful
My escape hatch
To hop a feeling of wholeness
Fresh air and sunlight
I looked at the world
Through its eyes
As a shadow began to fall
On everything

What I grasped turned to dust
And became my destiny
Struggling shot me back up
Into my head
To ponder and resolve

Standing at the ready to perform
Became a necessity
A straight jacket
Stooped over to avoid
The roots, the rocks, the
I hurt but
It was familiar
Who would I be
Without this conformation

Flights of fancy
Floated by
Some gripped me temporarily
Shook me up
Then dropped me
Back in the arms
Of my albatross
Who sniffed me a few
Times then bound herself around
My neck where
I ceased to breathe
It was familiar




Refractions break off
Become self-seeders
Dotting the landscape
With new visions
Fertilized with hope
Love is birthed and
Rebirthed in each
Suns warmth calls
To a greater reality

When we dump the waste water

Demon haste just flew away
Calm and peaceful
Is my lot today

Red Rills

Red Rills

Red rills send
Daffodils to slumber
In the soil
Until early amber hues
Beckon them
To awake again
My spirit drowses with them
Slumber blessed slumber
Deadens the head
So the heart can dream
In technicolor


You Shot me Through

You Shot me Through

You shot me through
With seeds of hope
May I continue to be
The best me I can be
Thank you.

It’s not what people call me
It’s what I answer to that counts
I know who I am

Lord, give me the gift of understanding
and help me to avoid judging others.

10 10 15

Be Still and Know

Be Still and Know

Be still and know
That I am God
Just follow where
My feet have trod
What adventures do you
Have for me today, Lord?

10 13 15

Pay More Attention

Pay More Attention

Pay more attention to the needs of others.
Try to walk in the shoes of sisters and brothers.
Give a nod to their needs
No judgement on their wiles
A heart full of acceptance
Shows in warm hugs and kind smiles

That person that bugs
You just by being him or herself
May be hurting or grieving
And in poor mental health

If they’ve always had someone
To cater to them, they can
Clean up their own messes
While you cheer from the stands.

Disengage from their worries
So they learn from mistakes
Surrender, and detachment
May be all that it takes

Forgiveness will follow
For your ministering mind
Shut your mouth, stay the course
Their own way they will find

10 17 15

Blessings Abound

Blessings abound
And my heart resounds
With an abundance of
Love to outpour
Oh, the riches, the lavishness
The immeasurable grace
In the quiet of my soul
Is etched only His face

10 17 15

A prayer

Jesus, Thank you for a God directed day asking for help and being a channel of your grace and your peace and your love.  Please let me rest in your grace and peace and wake with a heart full of gratitude.  Thank you.  Give my friend peace. Let her glimpse your presences. Thank you. God. G’nite.


An Understanding

An Understanding

A heart full of gratitude leaves no room for self-pity.
 Judgement or blame
quells resentment, does
not distort or deny
criticize or ask why
There’s a fluidity and ease. 
Practices thank you and please
is saddened by descensions,
Put downs and slights
Respectfully declines to engage
In competition, superiority and

Lends a helping hand, opens
Doors, windows, too.
Accepts you for who you are
Masters in transparency
Strives to live a healthy life
Rejoices in others successes
And accomplishments
Encourages and strives to
Embraces and exudes
Need – free love
A heart full of gratitude is
Lighter than air and willing
To be led to new abundances.
Please Jesus, May I live this
Day with a heart full of gratitude.


Another Prayer

Please, Jesus, forgive my tired, unimaginative brain.  Let me choose surrender and trust and ever mindful of your divine love.  Thank you.  Amen.


When I Value

When I Value

When I value and listen to
And share
What is so rare
A true connection of souls
The bonding which makes
Each of us whole
And yet a single diamond
Glowing in the dark
Should I harken to His
Check your list
Of names and numbers
It’s indelibly inscribed
On your heart
May peace prevail


Lord, You Carry Me

Lord, You Carry Me

Lord, you carry me in calm,
Peaceful timeliness this morning.
I am sufficed with gratitude
Surely my hope is in you.
From the top of your head
To the tip of your toys,
Meant to write toes, but
God knows
You’re the most creative of boys
I love you and I trust you
To be the best you
You can be
I delight in your company
But loud noises still
Frighten me a bit
So, I have to remove myself
To a quieter spot
Where I can reflect
Upon how I got
To a place of calm,
Peaceful timeliness
Where I can recall
That love conquers all.


His Way For Me

His Way For Me

His way for me is always best.
He is not the he I know
So I’ll look beyond
Until I find
The He that helps
My spirit flow
And feel the love
That knocks and waits
With baited breath
And open arms
To fold me in its warm
To hold me dear
And safe from harm
Surrender dear He
Whispers low
Learn patient trust
For I will go
Before and show
Just where your seeds to sow.
