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Sunday, December 10, 2017

Good Morning Jesus

Good Morning Jesus Prayer

Good, good morning, Jesus, love.  Today may I have and experience the fruits of an understanding heart and the suppleness of mind and spirit, so that I will relate more caringly to others. 

Joy emerges from the ashes of adversity through trust and thankfulness.

Thankfulness is being so full of gratitude and appreciation that all my senses tingle with anticipation.  The bonds of sisterhood, brotherhood, family-hood, vibrate, reverberate in a never ending unity of goodness, truth and beauty.

Complete surrender, now there’s a concept foreign to my nature.  And yet, each time I have run out of me, totally exhausted my “poor pitiful pear”, experienced the emptiness; you have been there, ready to embrace, to absorb really the whole bloody mess- the hurt, the anger (thinly disguised as helplessness) the awkwardness, dull wittedness, the blame, oh yes the stubbornness, drowsiness, the denial, confusion, need I say despair, what are the 4 horsemen?  All of it, all of it, all of it, it stinketh.  I am and can feel like a shiny crucible awaiting your divine ordination, your thumbprint- you choose me, so use me oh God.


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