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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Real Needs Driven

Real Needs Driven

R eady, respond, responsible
E ager to listen and learn
A ble to hear the next right thing
L ove always (self – God – others)

N earness to you my God
E ver seeking goodness – seeing beauty
E ager to really listen and focus (goodness)
D etermination to give and receive affirmation
S imply surrendering – The next right thing

D angerous for me
R eality is blurred
I ntuition and imagination need to be honored
V ictory over baser instincts
E mpty self of judgement of loved ones’ choices

N egative thinking (omnipotence) abates

A Prayer to Abba

A Prayer to Abba

Goodnight, gracious Abba.  Thank you for a spirit of gratitude permeating my being.  I await your guidance tonight.  Thank you for the gift of life, of light, of time.  Peace and hope surround (my friends) please.  Thank You.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sorrow Stretches the Heart

Sorrow Stretches the Heart

Oh, sorrow come and stretch my heart
That joy the more may enter in.
Let all my senses grieve each loss
So Christ may come and dwell therein.
Make me alert to others pain
To honor it and be for them
A Christ-like presence in their midst
To bring them back to peace gain.

Oh, sorrow come as surely T'will
And open all our hearts to grace
For only in our brokenness
Can we find Christ's own human face.
Be still my soul and rest in Him
And steep in all He offers thee
Then carry forth His warm embrace
In healing others
You'll healed be,




Was I hard-wired to be
Was that me?
Open my eyes to see

My spirit leads my heart to be the
Best me I can be
No plotting
But following
The bliss that
Directs me to thee

Haste not
And waste not
Thy creative energy
It’s yours alone

All else is
Gift from the source
Embrace it open-handedly
Then simply let it be

The God in me

Bows to the God in you


Deep Inside

Deep Inside

Deep inside is the energy of praise
Deep inside is gratitude to God, the source
Deep inside and bubbling out is joy, the recognition, the acceptance,
The connection, the bonding at every
Level, the healing, transforming

True essence of our being.


Jesus Love Prayer

Jesus Love, Prayer

Jesus love, thank you for giving me opportunities to detach with love.  To say what I mean in a loving way and to not take other fears, discomfort, disease personally, to recognize and pray for their healing.  To respect my own boundaries and to allow you to fill my cup, so I can offer and witness to an inner peace that comes from you as I am willing to receive it.  Amen & Hallelujah